Company Profile

Company Profile

Head Office
Company Name J-Sol Medical Co., Ltd.
Location 2-5-16 Shimo-Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 161-0033, Japan
Telephone +81-3-6914-4804 (Main line)
Facsimile +81-3-3950-6680 (Main line)
License Holder For
  • Class 1 Marketing Authorization Holder for Medical Device
  • Medical Device Manufacturer
  • Highly Controlled Medical Device Distribution/Lease
  • Medical Device Repairer
  • Cosmetics Marketing Authorization Holder
  • Quazi-Drugs Marketing Authorization Holder
Certified For ISO13485
Chiba Plant
Name J-Sol Medical Co., Ltd. Chiba Plant
Location 193-27 Ozeki, Yachimata City, Chiba Prefecture, 289-1142, Japan
License Holder For
  • Medical Device Manufacturer
  • Highly Controlled Medical Device Distribution/Lease
ISO ISO13485

Learn more about J-SOL Medical’s Chiba Plant

Company History
June 1997 Established for the purpose of commissioning clinical trials of medical devices and import approval for overseas medical devices, and started CRO and MAH operations
Sept. 2015 Head office relocated to Shimo-Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo to expand medical device development and manufacturing operations
July 2016 Reorganization through business integration and corporate separation of part of the business for the purpose of business development
May 2018 Changed the company name to “J-Sol Medical Co., Ltd.” to further improve management efficiency and business value
Oct. 2018 Obtained ISO13485 certification for the purpose of further business expansion, including export of medical devices
Nov. 2022 Established a new plant in Chiba Prefecture to meet the needs of medical devices in line with the expansion of medical device development and manufacturing business
Aug. 2024 J-SOL Medical’s Chiba Plant added as a registered business site due to the expanded scope of ISO 13485 certification.